Happy New Year!!
Wow! It's 2007! Can you believe it? I can't! LOL!
I've been thinking (way too much really, so if you can smell burning rubber, that's probably why! LOL!)... It’s a New Year, so I’m going to tackle it with a new attitude!!
There's so much I want to achieve and improve in my life, and I can't do any of it with a negative attitude. I have to reach for the stars with both hands, and damn it... if my feet leave the ground, even better!!!
OK, enough of that ;)
Christmas was more or less lovely ;) We had the most glorious pre-Christmas night on the 23rd with my Mum, niece and some dear friends of ours who are expecting their first child in mid-May. It was a beautiful night with lots of love and laughter... just the way Christmas is meant to be ;) (Check out my goofy kids pulling faces for the camera! LOL!!)

We managed to catch Santa (well, his lights anyway) in the act of delivering presents...

I've also discovered a new item to alter... mdf boxes!! I did this one for a RAK on the She-essence forum, and I loved it so much I didn't want to give it away! I quickly ensured that Chantal's name went on it, just so I wasn't tempted to keep it for myself :):) I'll just say that there's going to be many more of these boxes altered by me this year!!

In other news, I've started contributing to the All Things Scrapbooking Blog, which is rather daunting really! I need to keep finding interesting things (altered item related) to gabber on about! Any ideas are gratefully accepted!
And just a couple of weeks until Lisa comes home from the UK! I can't wait to see her!! It's been almost 12 months, but thank goodness for the internet! What would we (read I) have done without it!!
Well, you're basically all caught up. Let me know how your Christmas and New Year's went, what Santa brought you, and whether or not you've made any New Year's resolutions!!
Take care!!
Christmas sounds like it was lovely Danni and what a great photo of family and friends. I loved your altered box and what a fantastic idea :) I also love the quote you have on it... I'll have to remember that one. You're definitely stepping into 2007 with the right attitude. 2007 is going to be a great year for you and your family. Enjoy!
Your Christmas sounds like it was great, a nice intimate affair....just my kind of thing :)
Thanks ladies, Christmas WAS lovely :)
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