So much to tell!
Well after 3 weeks of having a very sick little boy, Campbell is finally recovering. We're still not 100% sure exactly what it was that got him (besides tonsillitis, bronchitis, a sinus infection & conjunctivitis), but gee it got him good! Before he got ill, he was almost 14 kilos. He now weighs a touch over 10.5. Scary!! At least he's laughing and playing again, albeit with a nasty "underwater" sounding cough!!
Unfortunately the bed hair monster got the better of him, and this is what he looked like this morning when he woke up.....
DH had his birthday last Wednesday. Happy Birthday to the most wonderful man in the world ;-) It was a little lean on gifts and excitement (thanks to sick kids and lack of time, sorry honey!), but was a nice day anyway.
Brighton's birthday was yesterday, and as I now work on weekends decided that we weren't doing the party thing this year. I made him a cake to take to school, and he had the best day. The highlight for him was getting a scooter from Campbell... I think the look on his face is absolutely priceless!!Aaaarrrggghhh Census!! Thank God delivery is over, now I've just got to collect the rotten things! lol!! With that thrown in on top of Campbell being sick, it's been a nightmare couple of weeks.
OH!!! And yesterday, Brighton's birthday, I got the phone call I've been waiting for from QFG.... I've been accepted to go on the donor program! Woo Hoo!! I've got my appointment with the OB/GYN on Monday... wish me luck!
Oh the poor little munchikin! So glad bubs is better afer 3 weeks of being sick! nothing worse than having a sick child...and for that long! GEES!
oh gosh I sure hope Campbell is now eating his fill???
Thanks Kylie, and yes, he's slowly getting a bit of condition back (you can see from the "bad hair day" photo how drawn and gaunt he looked on Tuesday!) and is starting to eat us out of house and home!! lol!! Thanks for the kind thoughts ;-)
Brighton is a cutie too :)
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