I'm a terrible Blogger :(OK, sorry. I've been slack. Lots has been happening... I don't even know where to start. I'll have to go in point form, or I'll be here all night :)
* IVF is all go. Egg collection is set for November 7 - Melbourne Cup Day. Looks like I won't be having any drinkies to celebrate... but hey, what a great day to donate :) I was actually born on Melbourne Cup Day a few (!!) years ago :) I'm still just in the "pill" cycle at the moment... which is not particularly agreeing with me, but hey, it's only for another 10 days, so who gives a rats??!!
* Brighton's new bedroom furniture arrived and looks fantastic! Very much "young man" furniture. Not so much kids stuff. He's so chuffed, it's fantastic.
* Brighton received the Principals Award at the final Assembly of last term. I couldn't be there unfortunately, but Simon was, and I'm so proud of my little man... His award was for "consistent progress across all curriculum areas"
* A wonderful girlfriend of mine has had her entire world shattered after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She goes into hospital for surgery this Friday, so please pray for "J" to make a full and speedy recovery. She doesn't deserve this (not that anyone does ;) ) and I send my thoughts and prayers to her.
* DH and I celbrated 10 years of marriage last month. We had a lovely day together, followed by dinner out (just the two of us), which was magic. I can't believe that 10 years has passed already... where does the time go?
* I am now the proud new owner of
She-essence. Check it out and see for yourself what a fantastic bunch of ladies we've got there. It's a wonderful place to make friends and just "be". For those scrapbook minded people amongst us, we've got some wonderful challenges each month being prepared by Kylie of
All Things Scrapbooking and Jenny of
Assential Scrapping Well, I've tried uploading photos but it's not working tonight, so I'll try to come back and edit this later.
Sorry for all the text, but that kind of brings you up to date for now... until I think of all the other things that are happening in Lake Land ;)