Thursday, June 29, 2006

Geez I'm boring!

I haven't blogged, not because I don't have anything to blog about, but because what I do have to blog about is boring!! Just my day to day drivel!

Have had an uneventful week... one good thing is that our appointments with Queensland Fertility Group are all set up for about a month's time (once school goes back), and despite a minor setback with a piercing (I have to wait 12 months from the piercing date to be able to donate my eggs), at this stage, things are looking good!!

Brighton is on school holidays... he has 3 weeks off! He's staying at F&MIL's for a couple of nights this week as I had appointments yesterday, then work tomorrow. DH will collect him from nephew's birthday party on Saturday and we'll do a quick exchange once I'm finished work and I'll take him to see Disney on Ice! Funnily enough, I can't wait!! It's a special treat for his improved behaviour!

I bought Patch (our beautiful 12 year old dog) a nice warm jacket for winter LOL! She's such a sook! I'm sure she loves the warmth, but I think she's embarrassed to be seen in it!! Here's a picture for you....

I just can't help but laugh at her!!!

Well, that's it from me, keep smiling!! Will let you know all about Disney!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Once again, not much to tell... well, OK, there is a bit to tell, I'm just not in a particularly chirpy enough frame of mind to be able to tell it, but I'll give it a go anyway...

I ended up with the horrid bug last Tuesday night / Wednesday. NOT a pleasant experience!!

Brighton went to a disco on Saturday night, and (God help me) learnt how to "Break Dance"! You should see him spinning himself all over the floor!! ROFL!! Brighton also stayed over at a friend's place on Saturday night after the disco, and I've been told he was on his best behaviour the whole time! Phew!!

Campbell had his first haircut... luckily DH took him on Saturday while I was at work... he screamed the place down apparently!!! Gotta love work!! Here's the ONLY photo DH managed to get during the whole process...

OH! And I sold my first pre-made album! WooHoo for Me!! The sale is to my Mum, but it's a gift for a lady at her work - there are a few of them putting in to get it, so I've got my fingers crossed they all love my work and might consider purchasing one for themselves!!

That's it for now!! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Three Days of sick kids :-(

Not much to tell... I worked the weekend (as usual), and was lucky enough to miss out on the day of Campbell's Gastro on Sunday - gotta love that! Poor DH was just a little frazzled by the time I got home after cleaning up vomit and diahorrea all day ;-).

Although Campbell seemed much better yesterday, unfortunately it hit Brighton (while at a birthday party... the kid's a master of timing, I can tell you!), so he was sick all day yesterday. He spent the night in my bed with me (I've had very little sleep!), DH slept in Brighton's bed (shivering and amazed at all the strange noises!! lol!!), then I awoke this morning to Campbell and his bed covered in vomit AGAIN! Then spent another quarter of an hour cleaning up more vomit from all over Campbell and the floor after stupidly giving him a drink of milk. You think I'd have more brains than that, wouldn't you??

So I've done two loads of vomity washing already this morning... And it's not even 9 o'clock!!

Wish me luck for the rest of the day!! And if you've got this far with the numerous "vomits" above, thanks!! ;-)

Friday, June 09, 2006

What a day in the Lake household!! :-D

Wow! It's been a big one today!

First we started off with Granparents day at school for Brighton, so my Mum, the kids' "Mardi" stayed last night and went off to school with Brighton this morning while I took Campbell to Day Care and got myself off to work.

I collected Brighton after work and he's been a good kid today (yippee!!), so we decided to go for his next grading at TKD this afternoon. Collected Campbell and off we went... (dropping off a belated birthday gift to my beautiful SIL on the way!)

I'm soooooooo proud of my boy. He was so snappy, and spot on with everything he did, and he was awarded his 6th Gup grade (blue belt with one stripe)! Master Glenn was very proud of him too, but nowhere near as proud as Mummy and Daddy!!

Then, can you believe it, on the way home in the car, he says, "Ummmm, Mum, I think my tooth just fell out", so I turned on the light to see him sitting there, with his first ever fallen out tooth in his hand!! (Looking mighty pale as he realised he was bleeding! He's such a wuss!! LOL!!).

So, it's been a big day in Lake land today ;-) Happy, mind you! But a bit happening!

Well, that's it for me... will probably be a little quiet over the next couple of days with work and what not, so enjoy your long weekend if you're lucky enough to be having it, and


Enjoy!! ;-)

Oh, I almost forgot... my "trusty" pedometer has not been so trusty, and hasn't been recording things very accurately at all :-( Seems our almost 5km wasn't almost 5km after all... it was 5.995km!! Woo hoo!! And we've done it in just over 58 minutes!! I'm so proud!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Oh dear, I still can't stop laughing!! This morning, we all slept in! We have to be out the door by 8:15 and I didn't wake up until 7:35.

I jumped up, and tried to wake Brighton... "Come on Brighton, time to get up... gotta get going, we're running a bit late this morning... come on mate, wake up... Brighton, you've got to get out of bed..."

He lifted his head and looked at me all bleary eyed and said, "Wake me up when September ends", and plonked his head back on the pillow!

ROFLMAO!!! Oh dear! He's just too funny!! I never thought I'd say this, but I think he's been listening to too much radio!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

A bit to tell...

It's been a little while, sorry! OK, some things that have happened that I forgot to blog about, or have not yet blogged about...

I'm so proud of Brighton! He's been trying really hard to improve his behaviour both at school and at home, and boy has he come a long way! He went for his 7th Gup grading (yellow belt with 3 stripes) at Taekwondo last week and got it!! He's actually ready to do his blue belt grading but we'll wait a couple of weeks so he doesn't get too big a head!!

Kylie and I walked our little hearts out last Thursday night. We did 4.718km in just under 59 mins. Not bad going for only our third week!! I'm so proud of us!!

We went out for dinner on Saturday night (yes, we took the kids) with our very dearest friends, Mel and Jim, and although Campbell was a little bit feral, we had such a nice time! We dined with a celebrity too... Mal Maninga was two tables away from us!

I'm not much into football, although I do love cricket. I'm sorry, but I do. I'm a big fan. So you could have knocked me over with a feather yesterday at work when Andrew Symonds came into the winery!! He's such a spunk too! I nearly lost it, I couldn't for the life of me think what I was supposed to be saying, and get this... I wasn't even serving him!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I did pluck up the courage to ask him for his autograph though, so now I have something to scrap... journaling and an autograph... no photos!! I think I was shaking for the next hour or more!!

Then of course, continuing in the cricket theme, I had to watch It Takes Two last night... Michael Bevan is another cricket spunk!! And boy can he sing!! *sigh*

Anyway, that's it for me... just waiting for my boys to get home from TKD so I can get dinner, get cleaned up and head off on my walk with Kylie ;-)

Thanks for reading!!

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