Once again, not much to tell... well, OK, there is a bit to tell, I'm just not in a particularly chirpy enough frame of mind to be able to tell it, but I'll give it a go anyway...
I ended up with the horrid bug last Tuesday night / Wednesday. NOT a pleasant experience!!
Brighton went to a disco on Saturday night, and (God help me) learnt how to "Break Dance"! You should see him spinning himself all over the floor!! ROFL!! Brighton also stayed over at a friend's place on Saturday night after the disco, and I've been told he was on his best behaviour the whole time! Phew!!
Campbell had his first haircut... luckily DH took him on Saturday while I was at work... he screamed the place down apparently!!! Gotta love work!! Here's the ONLY photo DH managed to get during the whole process...
That's it for now!! Thanks for reading!
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