Sick bubs....
(Feel free to log off here, this is only a little "woe is me" whinge!!)
Campbell has been sick for over a week. It started last Monday afternoon with a temperature, and then with him awake Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night crying... We took him to the Doctor and he gave us antibiotics for tonisllitis last Thursday. Thursday night he slept through... thank goodness!
Friday night he woke at about 9:30 crying and with the telltale croup cough. We got the Doctor out (he arrived about 1:15am), and he gave him Redipred, plus a script for some more of it for the next few nights. The croup noise got better, but the cough went down into Campbell's chest...
We were back at the doctor at 9:45 yesterday morning. He sent us for a chest x-ray to rule out Pneumonia... (while there, Campbell coughed so much he vomited over himself and me... and I didn't have a change of clothes for either of us), then we had to go back to the doctors where I was told that Campbell doesn't have pneumonia, but does have bronchitis.
He gave us a script for some different antibiotics to the ones he was already on for his tonsillitis. I filled the script, we finally got home about 3 hours after leaving for a half hour outing, I gave Campbell his new medicine and put him into bed. I had to wake him at 3 to go and collect Brighton... and found him covered in a rash, so we raced back to the doctors... Luckily (if you can call it that!!!) it he said it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotics... so, he gave us a new script for different ones, and hopefully Campbell will be on the mend real soon! As long as he stops coughing all night long so we can all get some sleep, I'll be happy!
I'm so over it right now I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha!!
And I still haven't heard back from QFG!! They're only there Mon, Wed and Fri, so hopefully I'll hear something by the end of the week ;-)
If you got this far, thanks for reading my sook!