Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sick bubs....

(Feel free to log off here, this is only a little "woe is me" whinge!!)

Campbell has been sick for over a week. It started last Monday afternoon with a temperature, and then with him awake Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night crying... We took him to the Doctor and he gave us antibiotics for tonisllitis last Thursday. Thursday night he slept through... thank goodness!

Friday night he woke at about 9:30 crying and with the telltale croup cough. We got the Doctor out (he arrived about 1:15am), and he gave him Redipred, plus a script for some more of it for the next few nights. The croup noise got better, but the cough went down into Campbell's chest...

We were back at the doctor at 9:45 yesterday morning. He sent us for a chest x-ray to rule out Pneumonia... (while there, Campbell coughed so much he vomited over himself and me... and I didn't have a change of clothes for either of us), then we had to go back to the doctors where I was told that Campbell doesn't have pneumonia, but does have bronchitis.

He gave us a script for some different antibiotics to the ones he was already on for his tonsillitis. I filled the script, we finally got home about 3 hours after leaving for a half hour outing, I gave Campbell his new medicine and put him into bed. I had to wake him at 3 to go and collect Brighton... and found him covered in a rash, so we raced back to the doctors... Luckily (if you can call it that!!!) it he said it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotics... so, he gave us a new script for different ones, and hopefully Campbell will be on the mend real soon! As long as he stops coughing all night long so we can all get some sleep, I'll be happy!

I'm so over it right now I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha!!

And I still haven't heard back from QFG!! They're only there Mon, Wed and Fri, so hopefully I'll hear something by the end of the week ;-)

If you got this far, thanks for reading my sook!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Well, today was the next step!!

DH and I went to Brisbane and attended the Fertility Clinic, where I filled in lots of paperwork, spoke at length with the coordinator, we both had to have blood tests and then attend a psychologists appointment, and basically got lots more details about the whole process.

The best part was finding out that I don't have to wait to donate! 6 months is long enough after a piercing (as long as all the bloods come back clear!).

We sorted out a few more details, like the fact that I want to go to the Gold Coast and have my regular Ob/Gyn (who is also a member of the group) do the procedure rather than travelling to Brisbane ...

So now I just have to wait for the blood tests to come back, and then I can go ahead and donate!
Funny thing... I startled the Supervising Doctor... when we were introduced he looked at me closely and said, "Do you have any children of your own?", and when I responded, "Yes, two", he told me I didn't look old enough!! Woo Hoo! What a nice doctor!! I bet he says that to all the girls!! LOL!!

Anyway, I'm very excited about the whole thing, hopefully soon it will all be happening!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Two posts in a day...

I thought you might enjoy the story of our outing today... it goes like this...

A spur of the moment impulse led me to the Strawberry Farm at Pimpama today. I thought we’d go and see the animals (they have like an animal farm there too), and have a bit of a play in the glorious sunshine.

When we arrived, we ventured into the animal enclosure, with the goats, sheep, pigs, donkey, and this very cute calf.

Isn’t he cute?? To tell you the truth, NO!! He’s not!! He is in desperate need of having his knackers removed!!!

This rotten scoundrel kept butting me with his horns… I had Campbell in my arms, Brighton hiding behind me, the nappy bag and bag of camera, drinks and other necessities on my shoulder, and the horrid thing just kept it up!! I tried pushing, shooing, stomping… I couldn’t get out of the enclosure, because he kept pushing me away from the gate with those surprisingly sharp little horns (stop laughing!!)… Campbell was falling out of my arms, and every time he slipped too low, the rotten calf butted him with his horns too (so he’s got a couple of awful marks on his leg). It was painful (I’ve got some nice marks on my legs and butt!!) yet funny, and I ended up getting saved by another lady who saw what was happening and raced in and grabbed Campbell from me so that I could shove Brighton through the gate while holding the calf off with my bag!!

Stop ROFL you lot!! OK, go on, laugh a little!!!

Here are another couple of photos from this morning...

Listening to my Inner Voice...

At work yesterday, I had a special moment with one of the customers. The lady (in her early 40's?) came in with her parents and aunt to do a wine tasting. During the course of the tasting, I kept admiring her gorgeous "crop" hairstyle... I loved the style and the colour, and as I've been considering getting a crop myself, thought, "this is just the exact look I'm after".

It's not something I would normally do, but mid-way through the tasting, I couldn't help myself any longer, and said, "May I just say that I absolutely love your hair!". The lady started crying. "Oh, no, I've said something wrong, I'm so sorry!", I said, thinking I'd put my foot in it as usual. "No", her mother and aunt replied, "you've said something very right!"

The lady went on to tell me that she's had cancer and chemotherapy, and this was only her second outing without a wig. Her family have been telling her that her hair looks fantastic, but of course, because they're family, she hasn't really believed them. I had tears in my eyes myself, but was so pleased that I had listened to my inner voice to tell that lady how much I loved her hairstyle.

Sometimes that voice really knows what it's talking about!! LOL!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Worst Parent!!

I feel like the worst parent tonight. Brighton did something really bad, and all I could do was laugh... and laugh... and laugh... in fact, I've still got mascara streaked down my face from all the tears I cried, I was laughing so hard!!

DH was giving the boys a "horsey ride" around the lounge room when I decided it was really cute so would grab the camera to get some shots... I took one photo, then another, and then as I took the third, Brighton did this....

Once we managed to control ourselves enough to ask him about it, he said, "Mr Bean does it"... and he does too! On "Bean, the Ultimate Disaster Movie"!!

How on earth do you handle a situation like this?? I mean, he thinks it's funny now because we just couldn't control our laughter! It was just so unexpected and out of the blue... rofl!! I'm sorry, I'm a bad parent, but I can't help it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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